Baked Vanilla Doughnuts-9070

Cake in a doughnut shape. I mean, what is there not to love? Enter….my Baked Vanilla Doughnuts Recipe!

Baking with my 3 and 4 year old has become a weekly ritual in our house. Usually we make Banana Bread together on a Friday but last week we bravely stepped out of our banana comfort zone and tried out this Doughnut recipe with the Doughnut pans I bought, like, foreverrrr ago. It was an impulsive and absolutely necessary purchase – My 3 year old spotted a picture of icing-laden doughnuts whilst sitting on my lap whilst I was browsing Pinterest (as you do) and he wanted them….NOW. Try and tell a spirited 3 year old that he cannot eat doughnuts out the screen and that mommy has to make them (in a really patient, loving voice). So there was a slight shortness of breath on my side because I knew that a tantrum was likely to unfold at any moment. I mean, if you were 3 years old you’d totally expect to be able to eat them straight out the computer screen too, right???? Enter YuppieChef. We managed to bypass a massive meltdown by navigating to YuppieChef to buy the pans we needed to make the doughnuts. Diversion. It’s always the best tactic moms. Divert, divert, divert. So we diverted to doughnut pans. Which I bought. And used a year and a half later.

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