Easy Roast Vegetable Tart with Puff Pastry

This is probably the hungriest I’ve ever been when writing a post. I think it may just have to do with the fact that there is pastry, brie, caramelised onion and roasted cherry tomatoes ALL in one dish. Yup, a Caramelised Onion, Brie and Cherry Tomato Tart!

Making these roasted vegetable tarts is definitely one of my favourite discoveries this year…right on up there with Homemade Fruit Roll and Carrot Sheet Cake.

I plan to make various different ones, like a butternut and feta tart and then perhaps a leek and potato tart and even maybe just a roasted pepper tart…and an asparagus and parmesan….

*Calm yourself Louise*

As mentioned before, pastry usually freaks me out – cooking with it, not eating it – just to clarify. Slowly though, I am getting a bit more friendly with it and using it more confidently. YAY FOR ME!!! I mean, if it were not for this growing confidence, I would not have made this Roasted Caramelised Onion, Brie and Cherry Tomato tart….THREE times already.

The love handles are shaking their heads at me but I’m inclined to ignore their response at this point and just go for an extra workout…next week.

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