I’ve always wanted to make a Chocolate Molten Lava Cake (also known as Chocolate Fondant) but have always been too daunted to make one. They regularly make the contestants on MasterChef whip them up and there is always that tense moment just before
It was about 35°C in Durban yesterday. I didn’t feel a thing. Air-conditioning is fantastic. Until you step out of it of course. And then you find yourself pulling your clothing away from your skin just so that it can breathe, you kick your sh
After a heavy meal, sometimes you just want a light dessert – something not too sweet or rich but something just to finish everything off. Well this is it people!! A fantabulous summer dessert that is so easy to prepare and has only 5 ingredients!
I just discovered (and bought) a beautiful vegetarian cook book called “The Cake the Buddha Ate”! I LOVE it! And not surprising it came out of KwaZulu Natal’s very own Buddhist Retreat Centre, which I have been lucky enough to visit many years
What in the world is a “S’more” you ask? Well, since you asked, it is an extremely popular campfire treat in the United States, which seems to have gained popularity throughout the world, thanks to Pinterest! It usually consists of roasted mars
I’m so excited to present this Gluten Free Brownie recipe to you! They are like little pieces of heaven I tell you! They are oh so rich and chocolatey…just one bite is enough to satisfy even the most severe chocolate craving! This recipe was supp
Portugese Custard Tarts are one of those delectable pastry treats that always capture my attention at a coffee shop. A Vide e Caffé cappuccino is just not the same without a Portugese Custard Tart! I mean really!! I even see that Woolies Bakeries ar
This is such a great recipe to make with kids or even toddlers. My 3 year old had so much fun rolling the mixture, punching holes, scooping jam and eating as he went. A lot of mess but lots of fun! The recipe had a lot of off-cuts so there was a lot
I made this salad for my husband the other day for lunch. At first he turned his nose up at the thought of a salad with raisins and celery, well actually it was more like a “eeeuw” expression. Well, once he tasted it, he wolfed it down! A
I tasted this at our dinner club the other night and my oh my it was a conversation-silencer…until we all interjected with questions of how it was made! “Is that it, just yoghurt, condensed milk and a biscuit base? Seriously?” was the prominent
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