Today, we’ve got something for the grown-ups and we’re pretty sure you’re going to love it! If you’ve got a housewarming, engagement party, birthday party, fundraiser or “book club” (which we all know is actually wine appreciation club with a book here and there) to throw together, this is the party theme to choose! It’s the age-old, much-loved cheese and wine evening!

Now, we don’t know about you, but we’re of the opinion there’s no greater match made in heaven than that of cheese and wine. What goes down better than a perfectly melted mouthful of brie with a silky smooth swig of Chardonnay? PS: that was not a question, it’s a fact!

Plus there’s just something super sophisticated about inviting your friends around for a cheese and wine evening. You know you’re officially a grown-up when this is the kind of party that really gets you excited! But now down to the logistics…how does one pull this off?

Well, we’ve got you started with our stunning cheese and wine evening invitations which are set on a chalkboard background, much like the boards you could be using to display your cheeses! In terms of the stars of the show: the cheese and wine, there are two options.

cheese and wine evening invitation

The budget-friendly cheese and wine evening

This one is great for hosts on a tight budget (we’re looking at you new homeowners). Ask each couple to bring a bottle (or two) of their favorite wine and their favorite cheese. You then supply crackers, breads, meats and preserves. Throw in some candles and great music for atmosphere and you’re all set for a great night of fun!

The cheese and wine extravaganza

If you’ve got a bit more wiggle-room with your party budget, you can supply all the cheeses, biscuits, breads, meats and preserves paired with suitable wines. You can set your cheeses up on big wood or slate boards and write the name of each cheese in chalk or on a tag propped on a toothpick. You could even have a wine connoisseur in attendance to educate your guests which wines go best with which cheeses.

cheese display board

Regardless of whether you go the budget or extravagant routes, you just can’t go wrong with a cheese and wine evening. When you combine great food with even better company, you’ve always got a winning formula on your hands.

If you’d like to save this post to refer back to when you’re ready to get your cheese and wine on, click the image to add to your Pinterest boards.

cheese and wine evening