Aaaaaaaah Summer Holidays! It’s just such a release! Amazing weather, kids are chilled out (well, as chilled out as kids get I suppose.) I don’t know about you, but I do not believe in the idea that the kids should be occupied as much as possible. I believe there should be some lazy, unstructured, meandering time for them to really explore their own playing ideas. BUT, there is nothing wrong with being the uber-prepared, solution-based super mom that YOU are.

So, when those cries of ‘I’m boooooored’ start filtering through into your psyche, you have an arsenal of answers! Answers that are cost-effective, fun, and don’t involve junk food or device screens! YAY!

Activity worksheets that loads of fun (read: nothing like actual school.) They are sneakily beneficial too! So grab your FREE camping theme ‘Spot the Difference’ and word search worksheet right here – print at home on a letter page (black and white) or take to a print shop. And let them have some fun, while throwing in some cognitive ability assistance, utterly disguised, of course!

How cute? And in the ideal Summer Vacay theme – camping! With 10 differences to spot, and 8 camping / outdoors related words to find!

I am sure you will remember the feeling of satisfaction you got when spotting differences and finding words as a kid? Spot the Difference is fun, and assists in teaching concentration, and learning to notice detail. Word search is a fabulous way to develop word recognition in young kids when they are starting to read. It also helps with pattern recognition eg learning that Q is usually followed by U. AND it helps with learning the spellings of words, in a FUN WAY! Hooooray for word search!

Enjoy going through with your sprogs. And don’t forget to pin to your board so you can find it later, and share with other Super Moms! You could also use it as a party activity sheet at a camping party. AND, lets take a liddle look at the idea of camping! We have the most amazing boys and girls camping party invitations, decor and party ideas. You will LOVE them, so check it out and start your planning!

Awesome boys and girls camping party ideas out for inspiration!

Boys Camping Tent Party Editable printables


Boys Camping Tent Party Editable printables

Boys Camping Tent Party Editable printables

Boys Camping Tent Party Editable printables


Boys Camping Tent Party Editable printables


Boys Camping Tent Party Editable printables

Girls Camping Tent Party Editable printables Girls Camping Tent Party Editable printables

Girls Camping Tent Party Editable printables

Girls Camping Tent Party Editable printables


Girls Camping Tent Party Editable printables