If you’ve got a child in their early teens, you may be racking your brain for a suitable party theme for any upcoming birthdays. There comes a time for every parent, when your child no longer wants the same kind of fanfare come party time that they did when they were little.

We’ve got the solution – a gaming party! Turn one of their favorite pastimes into a party and you’ve got a recipe for success! Gaming can help kids expand their imaginations, improve problem-solving ability and increase their capacity to think strategically. As long as they take regular breaks and play age-appropriate games, there’s nothing wrong with a spot of gaming!

Before we get into the what and how, let’s start with the invitations!

Up your game, boys!

If your son has being showing off some crazy dance moves of late, chances are he’s a Fortnite fan! That means, a gaming party is sure to make him one very happy birthday boy. Our boys gaming party invitation, set in shades of blue, includes gaming remote controls to set the scene.

Boys Gaming Party Invitation

And now, let’s hear it for the girls!

We haven’t forgotten about the girls – they are gamers too! With technology such a big part of their lives, how can they not be?! Our girls gaming party invitation has been designed with bright pinks, purples and turquoise, also featuring a snazzy gaming remote.

Girls Gaming Party Invitation

All the text on both party invitations is fully editable so you’re able to personalise all the party deets as required. Then it’s up to you whether you print them out or send a digital copy to each party guest.

How to organise a kids gaming party

With only one TV set and gaming console in your home, you may be wondering how on earth you’ll accommodate a handful of kids for the gaming party. Fear not, there are two options! Your first option is to have the party at a gaming venue (a quick Google search will help you find one near to you) where all the gaming stations and games are already set up. Some venues may even offer to do the catering for you. The best part? No clean up!

Your other option is to set up a gamers paradise in your very own home. With gaming becoming an ever-increasingly popular hobby (and even career!), there are a number of businesses globally that set up gaming stations for parties, which gives parents more control over what games are being played and for how long. They do the full set up and break down, so all you need to do is provide snacks and refreshments – easy peasy!

If you spot a gaming extravaganza on the horizon but you’re not quite yet ready to get stuck into planning, click the below image to pin this article to your party planning board.

Kids Gaming Party Invitation