In our Sunshine Parties office, we’re all Moms, and all in unanimous agreement about something this morning! That is, if we could teach our children one thing, it would be to be kind.
Acts of kindness are such a perfect opportunity for win-win situations! The child or person being kind feels wonderful, and so does the person that they are being kind to.
All that feel-good, fuzzy stuff made us want to hold on to this idea for  a while.
SO, we decided to create a ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ chart for children, and some cute ‘n inspirational kindness posters for the kid’s bedrooms! And in the spirit of the topic, they are, of course, FREEBIES!

You print out the posters and stick them on your child’s bedroom wall, or in the kitchen or playroom. Whenever a act of kindness has been shown, they get to color in one of the hearts with their favorite crayons. They will actively be putting more kindness into the world, and that is something to feel VERY good about!

Check it out!

Free Acts of Kindness Chart Printable

Free Inspirational Kindness Posters for Kid's bedrooms

When doing a little Pinterest browse on the topic (as you do), I came across so many wonderful ideas, I thought I would share a couple of ideas that would earn our kids a kindness heart (not to mention warm the hearts of many,) such as:

  • Hold the door or elevator door open for someone
  • Do a chore for someone without them knowing, or without being asked
  • Leave a letter in a library book
  • Feed the birds
  • Call your grandparents and ask them about their childhood
  • Pick up litter
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line
  • Compliment a friend
  • Wash someone’s car
  • Plant something
  • Bake cookies for a neighbor
  • Walk dogs at the animal shelter.
  • Check in on an elderly neighbor
  • Set the table for dinner
  • Leave bubbles on someone’s doorstep
  • Tell someone why they are special to you
  • Provide socks and supplies to the homeless shelter
  • Talk to someone new at school
  • Weed or shovel for a neighbor
  • Call a friend you haven’t seen in a while to say hello
  • Take treats to the fire station
  • Read a book to someone
  • Tell someone how much you love them
  • Say hello to everyone you see
  • Sing songs at a nursing home
  • Invite someone to play on the playground
  • Tell the principal how great your teacher is
  • Help make dinner
  • Make a get well card for someone
  • Take care of someone’s pet while they’re away
  • Share a special toy with a friend
  • Clean up your room without being asked
  • Record a video message for faraway friends
  • Teach someone something new
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  • Write a note for someone’s lunch.
  • Donate coloring books and crayons to the children’s hospital
  • Write a poem for a friend
  • Adopt an animal online
  • Make a homemade gift for someone
  • Dry the slides at the park with a towel after it rains
  • Send a postcard to a friend
  • Smile at everybody. It’s contagious!

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Lao Tzu

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain

If we could all share a little more kindness each day, our world would be a much happier place! Enjoy and please go be kind!