If your kids are a fan of the Mary Poppins movie, a Mary Poppins themed party is sure to delight them! One of the most charming kids party themes there is, we’re here to make sure you throw a practically perfect Mary Poppins party with a printable invitation and loads of fun ideas!

Our Mary Poppins party invitations feature a cityscape, kites, an umbrella and of course the iconic Mary Poppins silhouette! All the text is editable so add a spoonful of sugar and make it your own!

Printable Mary Poppins Party Invitation

Mary Poppins party food ideas

Spoon Full of Sugar

We all know one of the most famous phrases from the Mary Poppins movie, a spoonful of sugar. So we love this take on that very saying! No it’s not an actual spoonful of sugar. It’s an iced out cake pop perched on a silver spoon. Easy and effective! Find the recipe of the Inspiring Savings blog.

Mary Poppins party food ideas

Chimney Sweeps

We love how cute and simple these ‘chimney sweeps’ are from Sweeter Than Cupcakes. They are  made using skewered marshmallows dipped in chocolate. Yum!

Mary Poppins party food ideas

Marshmallow Penguins

Eats Amazing has a tutorial we adore showing you how to make the cutest marshmallow penguins you ever did see as a practically perfect addition to your Mary Poppins food table.

Mary Poppins party food ideas

Kite Cookies

Kites are synonymous with the Mary Poppins movie which is why these easy kite cookies from Sweet Sugar Belle are an absolute must!

Mary Poppins party food ideas

Mary Poppins Party Activities

Kite Making

Kite making is a fun, Mary Poppins approved party activity. One Creative Mommy has a great tutorial. Gather colorful paper, paper staws and string.

Mary Poppins party craft ideas

Sidewalk Chalk Art

Sidewalk chalk art is a unique Mary Poppins party activity for kids to do, plus it’s super easy to wash off the pavement afterwards.

Mary Poppins party craft ideas

Carousel Horse Race

Mary Poppins is all about whimsy and charm, so of course a horse or unicorn race is a solid party activity choice! You can use our printable hobby horse or printable unicorns to bring the races to your party!

Mary Poppins party craft ideas

Spoon Full of Sugar Relay

A Mary Poppins spin on a classic party game – the egg and spoon race! But instead of the egg, get the kids to race with a spoonful of sugar!

3D Umbrella Crafting

We’re all familiar with the iconic Mary Poppins umbrella icon which makes 3D umbrella crafting the perfect party activity. Mom With Five has a great tutorial you can get the kids to follow to make the cutest 3D umbrella’s you ever did see!

Mary Poppins party craft ideas

With our Mary Poppins party invites and these easy-to-implement food and activity ideas, you’re all set for a Mary Poppins party that’ll be practically perfect in every way!

Share these party tips or save this idea for later by clicking the below image to pin to your party planning board!

Mary Poppins Party