There’s a new Halloween trend spreading across neighbourhoods from suburbia to the city and it’s called Trunk or Treat! It’s an alternative to traditional door-to-door trick or treating that basically involves a group of neighbours or friends popping open decorated car trunks stocked with candy in parking lots or public parks. It was originally thought up by churches aiming to provide safe, controlled environments for trick or treating kids.

Not only does it stop kids from wandering off alone to strangers homes and less walking for mom and dad, it offers an excellent new challenge to Halloween enthusiasts to get creative with their car trunk decorations!

Trunk or Treat Flyer

To help you start a new tradition in your neighbourhood or school community and spread the word, we’ve created these super fun Trunk or Treat Halloween Party flyers you can hand out!

Trunk Or Treat Halloween Party Flyer

Complete with ghosts, ghouls and bubbling cauldrons, our trunk or treat flyer will get any Halloween enthusiasts buzzing with anticipation! All the text is editable so whether it’s a neighbourhood event or fundraiser, you can customise the information as required.

Connect With Your Neighbours

Spearheading a trunk or treat party for the neighbourhood kids is a great way to bring all the kids together and meet with their parents too. It’s important to get to know your neighbours so you know who is around your kids and to build a tight-knit, safer community.

Turn It Into A School Fundraiser

A Trunk or Treat event is a fun and unique way to raise funds for a school or community project. Turn it into a fundraiser by putting a raffle together as well as charging a fair admission fee for the event. You could also give out prizes for ‘best decorated trunk’ or ‘most spooky trunk’ etc.

Whichever way you swing it, we love this new Halloween trend and hope you, your neighbourhood or school community will enjoy starting a new tradition.

If you’d like to pin this to your event planning boards, click the below image to save it so you can come back to it at any time!

Trunk Or Treat Halloween Party Flyer