I am a work-from-home Mom, which really helps in Summer school vacation time! I LOVE working, and I LOVE being with my kids. But, sometimes, the two are like oil and water – they do NOT mix! Do you ever have that? When you really need some focu
Is it possible NOT to get excited when you get invited to an ice-cream party? It is the sweetest idea, the kids absolutely adore it and the decor and colors are just sooooo cute and pretty! Hey, you could even have it on a Sundae! Bad puns aside, whe
I want to let you into some secrets on actually BEING the best tooth fairy you can be! Because these things don’t always come with a manual. much like our children! Top Tip: Get organized, get your twinkle on and make it a magical ride! I was a
We love you guys. We love you as much as we love S’mores. The chocolate-y deliciousness, oozing gently into the marshmallow, then meeting up with the crispy cracker, and all coming together in your mouth like an explosion of 100% deliciousness!
HOW cute is this Superhero Cape? And what kid could resist it? Being a Superhero, flying around, saving the day and defeating baddies is a childhood rite of passage. It just HAS to be done!!! Don’t you think? We created a FREE Superhero Cape pa
Aaaaaaaah Summer Holidays! It’s just such a release! Amazing weather, kids are chilled out (well, as chilled out as kids get I suppose.) I don’t know about you, but I do not believe in the idea that the kids should be occupied as much as
What do you give someone who you REALLY adore? Someone who is just sooooo awesome, in general? It could be your sister, your friend, a teacher, a neighbor or a coworker! Now, if you know someone, or lots of someones who fit this bill, you’re go
Have you ever used a star chart to reward great behavior from your little one/s? It’s a FABULOUS way to encourage good habits in a nurturing and positive way. So, of course, we had to create a REALLY cute reward chart. It’s an ice-cream r
Do you want a FREE Unicorn Poster? Hello my magical fairies, unicorns and elves! The unicorn trend has been going for a while now, and shows no signs of abating. And for good reason, who doesn’t want to be immersed in the myth and legend of uni
What is your FAVORITE Recipe? You know the one. The one that you make every time someone comes over. The one that ALWAYS gets you compliments and recipe requests. The one that always tastes like more… Well, we’re ALL ears! Tell us! Share the love
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